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  • A Message from the Communications Admin Office

    Welcome to the San Andreas Communications Department! Two Thousand twenty-two is going to be a great year of growth and changes for the Communications Department. All our Chain of Command members are continuously working hard to ensure the Communications Department is the best it can be, and we thank you for being a part of it. I hope all of you all find this document helpful with your journey within the Communications Department.

  • Mission Statement:

    The San Andreas Communications Department’s Mission Statement is to provide outstanding communication service to the Citizens, Troopers, Officers, Deputies, and Fire Personnel of San Andreas.

  • Communications Chain of Command

    This section outlines the duties that each rank within the Communications Department Chain of Command will conduct. Do note, these duties are a primary responsibility, and SACD Command may assign additional responsibilities.

  • Communications Member Conduct

    At the Communications Department, we hold our members to a high standard to ensure our Department is respected. We expect each member to conduct themselves appropriately and shall never discriminate against and/or or harass another member. As a member of the Department, you are also expected to follow our values. Remember, any decision you make is a direct reflection of the Department itself.


    All Communications Department members shall obey all requests given to them by a member of the SACD Chain of Command. Failure to obey any SACD CoC members will result in disciplinary action due to insubordination.

  • Our Core Values:

    We accomplish our mission statement by following our core values: Integrity, Safety, Service, and Communication.

  • Sit-Along Program

    The San Andreas Communications Department in coalition with the Sit-Along Program will provide a knowledgeable environment for all incoming Reserve/SACD members to ensure the department’s integrity and dispatching abilities.

  • Communications Chain of Command Conduct

    Our Chain of Command Members are held to the highest standards and are role models to all. They are expected to follow and enforce each policy that the department has in place. Like members, if a Chain of Command Member fails to follow the policies and procedures set in place within this department, they will be disciplined accordingly.



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  • Communications Rank Structure

    SACD Admin Team

    Dispatch Director

    Dispatch Deputy Director

    Director of Operations

    Operations Commander

    Operations Supervisor

    SACD Senior Staff

    Dispatch Manager

    Dispatch Supervisor

    SACD Staff Team

    Lead Senior Operator

    Senior Operator IV

    Senior Operator III

    SACD Staff In-Training

    Senior Operator II

    Senior Operator I

    SACD Member

    Operator IV

    Operator III

    Operator II

    Operator I

    SACD Recruit

    Dispatch Zulu Cadet






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